Sphynx Cat

The hairless and exquisite looking Sphynx has grown in popularity over the years particularly due to their unusual yet stunning looks, and mischievous personalities.
The Sphynx is the first hairless cat to be bred for that specific trait. However, it’s important to note that this cat is not completely hairless, as they do possess a fine downy like hair all over their bodies. It is said that their breeding began when one hairless male kitten was born in Canada back in 1966. Today, however, it is believed that most Sphynx cats are descendants from three hairless kittens born in Toronto back in 1978. This natural mutation has been specifically bred to have the popular hairless cats that you see today.
At a Glance:
Firstly, it’s important to understand that the Sphinx is not totally hairless, and some will have different degrees of hair ranging from a peach fuzz to short hair being present on the nose, ears and tail. Their skin feels similar to a suede hot water bottle. They are medium sized and sturdy cats with muscular frame. The Sphynx comes in many different patterns and colouring, caused by the pigment in their skin. Including; white, black, red, chocolate, tabby, lavender, tortoiseshell, bicolour, pointed and mink patterns and also calico. All colour ranges are accepted as standard.
The Sphynx catsimply adores attention and will demand this if ignored. He is super curious and loves to be the centre of attention, making him an easy pet to take to the vet, or introduce to new friends. This breed loves to get up to mischievous and explore. They require good sturdy cat scratching posts and trees as they will seek out high places to view the world around them. They are a very intelligent cat that will thrive on games, puzzles and chase toys. Being a hairless breed, they love to snuggle to keep warm and has been likened to owning a living, purring hot water bottle.
They are an energetic breed who thrives in a busy, household with plenty of people to love. They get along well with other pets and children if correctly socialised at a young age.
Just because the Sphynx has no hair, it certainly doesn’t mean that he requires no grooming. The skin will need to be correctly moisturised and kept clean. Many people bathe their Sphynx cats weekly to prevent grease spots from appearing on couches and clothing. It’s a good idea to get your wee kitten used to the bathing experience so they learn to love this frequent grooming need. Many Sphynx have learnt to thoroughly enjoy their time in the bath. He will also feel the cold much more than his double coated cousins. Because of this many Sphynx’s owners invest in specially designed cat coats to keep their hairless beauties warm.
Like with all cats and kittens, keeping your pet indoors can provide safety and protection against a range of injuries and illness’. Indoor cats have been proven to live longer lives and can be very happily entertained without the need of roaming unsupervised outside. Cleverly built cat enclosures can also allow your new kitten to explore the great outdoors in a safe manner. Two kittens, a quality cat scratcher and an indoor life can provide your cat with a wonderfully happy existence full of fun and play. If you do decide to let your kitten outside, ensure they are microchipped and also wearing a snag proof collar. Kittens should not be allowed outside unsupervised until six months of age.
It is vital you source your kitten from a reputable breeder to prevent heartache and medical problems that are common with badly bred pets. Ensure your chosen breeder is listed with their registered breed club and ask as many questions as possible. Sighting mum is also a good way to ensuring your kitten has come from good breeding practises and not a kitten-mill environment. Meeting the breeder in person and visiting your kitten before you choose to buy is also recommended. If you are wanting to adopt a kitten contact your local club or shelter organisation.